The story behind the theme : Why learning filmmaking?
Learning to express your thoughts is a good beginning for communication.
Sometimes, when the talking is too loud, try to write it down into words.
As the Chinese proverb says: One picture is worth a thousand words, (畫意能達萬言).
When we put those pictures into film, it’s even more powerful to inspire people to see who they are and convey how you feel through the characters and plot.
You may also benefit from the process of writing scripts and making a film to observe yourself or your characters more closely and gain a different perspective to know something you are unaware of.
Therefore, we present this summer workshop to help teens explore another language of communication. Together, let's be inspired and make a difference!
We explored and learn about
- Ideas brainstorming
- Screenwriting
- Making short film with simple equipment
- Editing of film with online free software
- Q&A with James
The Structure of this Workshop
The workshop will be hosted online for four weekends. Each session will last 1.5 hours.
James will teach each session and give creative ideas, assignments, and resources for the students to preview or work on during the weekday before coming to the online session.
The students will communicate with the teacher/class on the private Facebook group we will set up.
Student's work

「拍電影說故事」施佶明線上教拍片 明州學員收穫豐 (取自世界日報)
明州台灣線上圖書館為高中生舉辦為期一個月的「腳本寫作與短片拍攝」線上夏令營,邀請短片「阿嬤與阿倫」(Ahma & Alan)導演施佶明(James Y. Shih)自日本做遠距教學。他深入淺出、兼具理論與實做的教學,讓學員學習了專業的操作實務與技巧,更感受到他用藝術說故事與嚴謹的工作態度,充實課程大獲學員好評。
施佶明首先分析劇本寫作的三幕劇結構,以他拍攝的短片「畫手」(Painting hands)與其他動畫片做示範,讓學生邊看影片邊熟悉劇本架構。他說不喜歡架構也無妨,但先瞭解規則再打破是入門的途徑。
施佶明評論學生作品時,引用他喜愛的電影評論家依伯特(Roger Ebert)所言:欣賞電影沒有對或錯的觀點,個人都能自由地欣賞螢幕上所要呈現的任何事物。施佶明引導學生試著從顏色、光線、角色、對白、演技、主題等方面去評論他人的作品,並提出建設性的鼓勵或意見。