The Story Behind the Theme
The theme of 2017 Chinese Summer Camp is living a healthy life. A healthy life includes both a healthy mind and healthy body.
You are what you eat and what you think. By eating healthy food and exercising, you may cultivate habits of disciplining your body. By reading good books or doing activities involved with the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch), you may develop the good habit of nurturing your mind.
When I see young people often eat chips and soda for their lunch in the school, I feel it’s necessary to teach our next generation to take good care of their body by eating healthy food. Therefore, our chef will teach the kids to prepare meals themselves. With this life-long skill of cooking, they may be able to prepare nutritious and yummy foods with natural ingredients in a simple way.
Moreover, a healthy mind also comes from a thankful heart which appreciates the natural creation and each person’s unique identity. Therefore our artist and teacher will teach the kids to appreciate the natural food by observing them in drawing.
Asian food cooking
Do you know that you are what you eat? A healthy meal doesn't need to be costly but can be yummy and easy to make at home. The students will be equipped with this life-long skill of cooking and learn to prepare nutritious and yummy foods with natural ingredients in a simple way. We will focus on the foods made of rice and vegitable like shushi, rice ball, spring roll, etc.
Sketch/Water color painting
A healthy mind may come from a thankful heart which appreciates natural creation from each person's unique viewpoint. Therefore we will help students to develop their ability of appreciation with their five senses, such as sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Our artist and teacher will teach the students to observe and draw fruit and vegetable.
What we did:
- Hands-on practice making sushi, spring roll, rice ball, pickle vegetable and more.
- Sketch/paint vegetable and fruit to stir up our appetite.
- Learn Chinese characters about food and ingredient.
- Play fun games to learn about Chinese phrase and words of food and more.

Chinese newspaper reporting:
例如有個在家學習的美國學生,平時使用電腦軟體學中文,他很喜歡在活動中練習說中文。另外有一個上中文沈浸式學校的美國學生,在學校學的是簡體字,但在此次活動中,學到許多正體字的美好意義,讓她覺得很有收獲。 此次活動成功地讓在美國長大的華洋下一代,更懂得欣賞健康美味的亞洲食物,並增加對正體漢字與文化的興趣。